
Plesk Obsidian Professional MCQ

  Service plan best practices

 Service plans are a great tool to create standardized hosting offerings and keep subscriptions in sync with the template. However, there are situations where service plans are not the best solution, or where the service plans require special treatment. 

Let’s take a look at the best practices of when and how to use service plans. Try to guess the correct solution for each scenario and read the feedback to learn more.

Question –  01/04

Scenario 1. Your customers are quite satisfied with their chosen plans, but some customers require more disk space than others. These customers regularly ask for increased disk space. 

What is the best way to satisfy these requests?

  • Upgrade these customers to a new service plan with more disk space included.
  • Modify the properties of subscriptions for each customer requiring more disk space.
  • Create an add-on plan that adds disk space and apply it to these customers.
  • Add more disk space to the current service plan for these customers.

Use add-on service plans when you want to add a single service or resource to many subscriptions – for example, additional disk space, traffic, or access to a new application.

Upgrading these customers to a new service plan is also a possible solution, although not an optimal. You’ll end up with a lot of service plans that are very similar to each other.

Adding more disk space to the current service plan is not a good solution, since everyone will get more disk space, even those customers who don’t need it and did not pay for it.

Finally, modifying subscriptions is a bad idea, since you’ll have to do it a lot. Modified subscriptions will be locked, stopping their synchronization with the service plan and completely defeating the purpose.

Question –  02/04

Scenario 2. Subscribers of the  “Web Hosting” service plan often request upgrades to disk space and traffic, as well as the enabling of certain hosting features. A third of the customers subscribed to the  “Web Hosting” plan ask for even more advanced permissions, more disk space, and more traffic.

What is the best way to proceed here?

  • Modify the “Web Hosting” service plan to satisfy the demands of the top customers on this plan.
  • Create an add-on service plan with more disk space, more traffic, and additional permissions.
  • Modify these customers’ subscriptions to add permissions and increase resources.
  • Create two new service plans, providing upgrade tiers over the existing “Web Hosting” plan.

For each hosting offer create three tiers of plans: one for small customers, one for medium-sized customers, and one for the largest and most demanding customers. Sell them as upgrades and provide a clear upgrade path for your customers.

You can create an add-on with multiple resources and permissions in it, but this is not a good solution. Add-ons are best suited for granular upselling of additional services and resources.

Modifying the existing service plan is not a good solution either. Providing more resources for the same price is not good for business. Furthermore, not all customers on this plan will need (or can be trusted with) advanced permissions for hosting management.

Finally, modifying subscriptions is a really bad idea. You will have to do this for each existing customer and keep doing this in the future. You’ll also have to keep records of all the custom changes you have applied. It will also cause Plesk to lock modified subscriptions and stop synchronizing them with their service plan.

Question –  03/04

Scenario 3. You notice that subscribers of the plan  “Basic Hosting” keep changing their web hosting settings and enabling additional scripting options that are available only in the  “Advanced Hosting” service plan.

How should you solve this problem?

  • Create an add-on service plan that revokes the permission “Hosting settings management.”
  • Modify the subscriptions of customers who keep changing their hosting settings and revoke the permission “Hosting settings management.”
  • Revoke the “Hosting settings management” permission in the “Basic Hosting” plan and synchronize the plan with the subscriptions.

Question  –  04/04

Scenario 4. One of your customers wants to deploy his Ruby application. For that, he needs SSH access to the server. However, all plans on your server have SSH access denied and you do not want to offer SSH access on all of these plans. The customer has been doing business with you for a long time, so you trust his expertise and decide to provide him with SSH access for a short period of time.

How can you help this customer?

  • Create an add-on service plan that enables SSH access and apply it to the customer.
  • Create a new service plan with SSH access and upgrade the customer to this plan.
  • Update his service plan and enable SSH access.
  • Customize the customer’s subscription to enable SSH access.

To satisfy such a specific request, it is acceptable to modify a subscription’s properties. This, of course, will lead to the subscription being locked and not synchronizing with its service plan. However, once the customer finishes deploying his application and no longer needs SSH access, you can unlock the subscription and synchronize it with its service plan, effectively revoking SSH access.

Creating a new service plan or an add-on plan for a one-time request is not an optimal solution.

Modifying the current service plan is a bad idea, since you will enable SSH access for every other customer subscribed to this service plan. This can potentially lead to security problems.

This quiz contains 20 questions from the real Plesk Obsidian Professional Certification Exam. To successfully pass this quiz you need to give correct answer to at least 16 questions. Good luck!

Question –  01/20

On which of these environments can you install Plesk?
Select one correct answer.

  • Only on physical hardware
  • On either physical hardware or a virtual environment
  • Only on a virtual environment

Question  02/20

A Plesk Web Pro license is installed on the server, and you do not see the Service Plans management menu. What could be the reason for this? 

Select one correct answer. 

  • Service Plans management can be enabled with the Web Host license only. 
  • You are currently in Service Provider view.
  • You are currently in Power User view. 
  • Service Plans management can be enabled with the Web Admin license only.

Question  03/20

On which of these Linux servers can you install Plesk Obsidian?
Select two correct answers.

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) / RAM: 512MB / HDD: 40GB
  • Debian 9 (64-bit) / RAM: 2GB / HDD: 30GB
  • Fedora 31 (64-bit) / RAM: 2GB / HDD: 30GB
  • CentOS 7 (64-bit) / RAM: 1GB / HDD: 20GB
  • Debian 10 (32-bit) / RAM: 2GB / HDD: 20GB

Question  04/20

On which of these Windows servers can you install Plesk Obsidian?
Select two correct answers.

  • Windows Server 2003 (64-bit) / RAM: 8GB / HDD: 40GB
  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) / RAM: 8GB / HDD: 50GB
  • Windows Server 2012 (32-bit) / RAM: 4GB / HDD: 30GB
  • Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) / RAM: 4GB / HDD: 40GB
  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) / RAM: 1GB / HDD: 50GB

Question  05/20

You are installing Plesk on your server via Plesk Installer. However, there is no latest stable Plesk version in the list of available Plesk versions. What could be the problem?
Select one correct answer.

  • The operating system is not supported by the latest Plesk version.
  • There is not enough disk space for the latest Plesk version.
  • The purchased Plesk license does not support the latest Plesk version.

Question  06/20

A prospective customer needs a server with Plesk to host websites that his web studio is building for their customers. At the moment, the web studio has only seven customers, but their business is quickly growing. Which Plesk edition will you choose for the new server?
Select one correct answer.

  • Web Host
  • Web Admin
  • Web Pro

Question  07/20

Where can you log in to Plesk on a freshly installed Plesk Obsidian server?
Select two correct answers.

  • https://ServerIP:8443
  • http://ServerIP:8443 
  • http://ServerIP:8447
  • https://ServerIP

Question  08/20

Which of the following actions should you perform immediately after installing Plesk Obsidian on a new server in order to improve server security?
Select two correct answers.

  • Enable the Prohibited Domains list.
  • Enable ModSecurity and Fail2Ban.
  • Install the Plesk Firewall extension.
  • Prohibit customers from creating domains in DNS zones of other customers.

Question  09/20

A customer who hosts their mail service on your Plesk server complains that when they send emails to recipients on SuperFreeMail.tld, a popular free email service, the recipients never receive these messages. The customer does not receive any errors either. What could the problem be?
Select one correct answer.

  • The Plesk mail server is unable to connect to SuperFreeMail.tld.
  • A spam protection system on the SuperFreeMail.tld mail server is rejecting these messages.
  • A domain with the name “SuperFreeMail.tld” exists on the Plesk server.

Question  10/20

A customer who owns the domain “domain.tld” reports that another customer on the same Plesk server has created the domain “store.domain.tld.” You suspend the domain “store.domain.tld” to prevent acts of fraud. How can you prevent such occurrences in the future?
Choose one correct answer.    

  • Prohibit customers from creating DNS subzones in other customers’ DNS superzones.
  • Add *.domain.tld to the list of prohibited domain names.
  • Revoke the permission to create domains from all customers.

Question  11/20

You have noticed that several customers on your Plesk server have created domains with names that clearly do not belong to them (e.g., How can you stop customers from doing this?
Select one correct answer.    

  • I will prohibit customers from creating DNS subzones in other customers’ DNS superzones.
  • I will revoke the permission to create domains from all customers.
  • I will enable the prohibited domain names list and extend it with the domain names I found on the server.

Question  12/20

You need to deploy 50 Plesk servers with the same configuration in one day. Which deployment method will you use?
Select one correct answer.

  • Web Installer
  • Plesk Installer’s unattended mode
  • Server cloning

Question  13/20

Upon a customer’s request, you allocate 10GB of additional disk space using an add-on service plan. Later, the same customer asks you to allocate an additional 10GB of disk space. What is the best way to address the request?
Select one correct answer.

  • Create a new add-on plan with +20GB of disk space and apply this new add-on to the customer’s subscription, removing the previously applied add-on with +10GB of disk space.
  • Adjust the disk space limit on the customer’s subscriptions.
  • Apply the same add-on service plan with +10GB of disk space to the customer’s subscription.
  • Adjust the disk space limit for the service plan on which the customer’s subscription is based. The subscription will automatically sync with the plan, and the customer will get the requested amount of disk space.

Question  14/20

One of your “starter” hosting plans is very popular with small business owners. However, some customers eventually outgrow the plan’s limitations and need more disk space, more traffic, and more permissions. What is the best way to address their needs?
Select one correct answer.

  • Create an add-on plan that includes the requested permissions and limit increases, and apply it to the subscriptions of customers who request the increase.
  • Create a new service plan that provides more resources and permissions than the “starter” hosting plan, and upgrade such customers to this plan.
  • Modify the “starter” hosting plan, increasing its limits, and enabling the requested permissions. Then synchronize the subscriptions with the plan.

Question  15/20

Subscribers of a particular service plan complain that they cannot create domain aliases, despite the fact that the service plan should allow them to create up to 5 domains and 100 domain aliases. You check the service plan and find that the permission to manage domain aliases is disabled. How will you solve this problem?
Select one correct answer.

  • Create a new service plan with the domain aliases management permission enabled, and upgrade customers with this problem to the new service plan.
  • Enable the domain aliases management permission on subscriptions of customers subscribed to the service plan.
  • Create an add-on service plan with the permission to manage domain aliases enabled, and then subscribe all of these customers to this plan.
  • Modify the customers’ service plan and enable the permission to manage domain aliases. Then synchronize their subscriptions with the plan.

Question  16/20

A customer asks you to provide them with additional permissions. You customize their subscription to fulfill this request. What are the side effects of this action?
Select one correct answer.

  • The subscription is now in the “Locked” state, which prevents it from synchronizing with its service plan.
  • There are no side effects.
  • The subscription is no longer associated with any service plan and has to be managed manually.

Question  17/20

You need to decide where to store server backups. The company-wide backup policy requires you to have backups that can be restored on another Plesk server in the event of server hardware failure. Where can you store the backups to conform to this policy?
Select two correct answers.

  • On an FTP server, on a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) device.
  • On an external USB HDD connected to the server.
  • On the Plesk server’s local backup repository.
  • On a cloud file storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.).

Question  18/20

A customer removed their mailbox by accident and needs to restore the mailbox from the latest backup. In the backup repository, you have one full backup, created a week ago, and six incremental backups. How should you proceed with the restore?
Select one correct answer.  

  • Restore the mailbox from the full backup; then restore it from all subsequent incremental backups.
  • Restore the mailbox from the full backup; then restore it from the latest incremental backup.
  • Restore the mailbox from the latest incremental backup.

Question  19/20

A customer removed a table from their database by accident. They want to restore the database from a backup. However, the last time the customer created a backup was four months ago and the database in the backup is severely outdated. The server has a scheduled daily backup task and the latest backup of the entire server content is less than a day old. Is it true that the customer can restore his database from the server-wide backup without server administrator assistance?

  • Yes
  • No

Question  20/20

You create a subscription for a customer and configure all the necessary parameters, but later notice a mistake – the subscription does not belong to the customer, but is owned by the Plesk administrator instead. How do you solve this problem? 

  • Change the owner of the subscription in its properties. 
  • Remove the subscription and create it again, but this time for the proper customer. 
  • Clone (copy) the subscription for the customer and then remove the original.

I'm passionate about the latest tech trends and emerging technologies like Linux, Azure, AWS, and GCP, Wordpress. With experience across various platforms, I love simplifying complex concepts for all readers. I thrive on presenting technical info in engaging ways, aiming to keep readers informed and empowered on their tech journeys.

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