
Red Hat Certified System Administrator Latest RHCSA EX200 Exam Questions with solutions based on RHELv8 and RHELv9 Part-2


 Part-2 Please perform this activity on Server-2 (serverb)

Q14. Reset root user password and make it ‘trootent’

To reset the root user password, follow these steps:

1. Press 'e' for starting system
2. Put in the last line of linux16: 'rd.break'
3. Press 'ctrl + x'
# mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
# chroot /sysroot
# passwd root

Enter the new password, for example, ‘trootent’

# touch /.autorelabel
# exit
# exit
Q15. Configure YUM Repos

Base_url = “”
AppStrem_url = “”

# scp -r /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo [email protected]:/etc/yum.repos.d/
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo


name=Local Repository baseurl= gpgcheck=0 enabled=1


name=Local AppStream Repository baseurl=

Q16. Resize a Logical Volume : – Resize the logical volume “mylv” so that after reboot the size should be in between 200MB to 300MB
# df -h
# vgdisplay
# lvextend -L 300M /dev/mapper/myvg-mylv
# lvdisplay /dev/mapper/myvg-mylv
# resize2fs /dev/mapper/myvg-mylv
Q17. Add a swap partition of 956MB and mount it permanently.
# fdisk /dev/vdb
n (create new partition)
p (check Partition table)
# mkswap /dev/vdb2

		Then copy UUID

# vim /etc/fstab
UUID=XXXXX swap swap defaults 0 0
# systemctl daemon-reload
# swapon -a
# swapon -s
Q18. Create a logical Volume and mount it permanently

To create a logical volume and mount it permanently, follow these steps:

# fdisk /dev/vdb
n (create new partition:)
p (check Partition table)
# partprobe
# pvcreate /dev/vdb3
# vgcreate -s 32M wgroup /dev/vdb3
# lvcreate -n wshare -l 20 wgroup
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/wgroup/wshare
# mkdir /mnt/wshare

Then, add the following line to the /etc/fstab file:

# vi /etc/fstab
		/dev/wgroup/wshare  /mnt/wshare  ext3 defaults 0 0
# mount -a
Q19. Create a new VDO partition

To create a new VDO partition with the following requirements:

  • Use the unpartitioned disk
  • VDO name “Vdo1” and logical size should be 50GB
  • Mount it on /vdomount permanently with file system xfs.
#yum -y install vdo kmod-kvdo
#systemctl enable vdo.service
#systemctl start vdo.service
#vdo create –name=Vdo1 --device=/dev/vdd --vdoLogicalSize=50G
#mkfs.xfs -K /dev/mapper/Vdo1
#lsblk --output=UUID /dev/mapper/Vdo1
#mkdir /vdomount
#vi /etc/fstab (UUID=………………… /vdomount xfs defaults, x-systemd.requires=vdo.service 0 0)
#systemctl daemon-reload
Q20. Configure System Tuning:
  • Choose the recommended ‘tuned’ profile for your system and set it as the default.
#tuned-adm active
#tuned-adm recommend (virtual-guest)
#tuned-adm profile virtual-guest
Q21. Container
  • Create a container logserver from an image rsyslog in node1 From
  • Configure the container with systemd services by an existing user “Walhalla”,
  • Service name should be container-logserver, and configure it to start automatically across reboot.
# useradd user1 
# passwd user1 
# yum module install container* -y 
# ll /var/log/ 
# vim /etc/systemd/journald.conf  
[Journal] Storage=persistent
#mkdir /var/log/journal
#mkdir /home/wallah/container-logserver
#systemctl restart systemd-journald
# cp /var/log/journal/*/* /home/wallah/container-logserver
# chown -R wallah:wallah /home/wallah/container-logserver
# systemctl restart systemd-journald
# ll /run/log 
# ll /var/log/
# su - wallah
# mkdir /var/log/journal
# mkdir /home/wallah/container-logserver
#systemctl restart systemd-journald
# reboot
# ssh [email protected]
22 System journal with containers
  • Configure your host journal to store all journal across reboot
  • Copy all *.journal from /var/log/journal and all subdirectories to /home/Walhalla/container_logserver
  • Configure automount /var/log/journal from logserver (container) to /home/walhalla/container_logserver when container starts
# podman login 
# username:  
# password:  
# podman search rsyslog  
# podman pull  
# podman image list  
# podman run -d --name logserver -v /home/user1/container-logserver:/var/log/journal:Z 
# podman container list  
# podman ps 
# mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/wallah 
# cd .config/systemd/wallah/  
# loginctl enable-linger 
# loginctl show-user user1  
# podman generate systemd --name logserver -f -n  
# systemctl --user daemon-reload 
# systemctl --user enable --now container-logserver.service  
# systemctl --user start --now container-logserver.service  
# systemctl --user status --now container-logserver.service  
# podman exec -it logserver /bin/bash  
# ls /var/log/  
# exit
For Server-1 Configuration Click Here
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